We wrap up the 2017 Season with a Winter Kart Series, 9 Autocross’s, 1 Novice School, 1 Test and Tune, 3 Track Events, and 2 HPDE’s. It’s been a busy season, to say the least. We had our ups and downs with the lost of ACU-4 and worrying rumors about losing the Pungo site. We faired through rough weather while still carrying a smile on our faces. We managed to get through it all thanks to our members and staff, and we are hopeful for next year.
As of writing this, we will have the Pungo site next year. We have been busy scouting for new sites that will allow us to run events in accordance with SCCA rules. We have been in talks with the Suffolk Executive Airport and are in the process of filing the necessary paperwork to host events at their site. While this site looks promising, we are still fielding recommendations for new sites. Contact us if you know of a site that could host our events.
We want to thank our Staff, Members, and Attendees for supporting our club and keeping it running. We would also like to thank The Little Red Onion for coming out to Pungo and providing us with food and drinks in the hot summer sun. And we can’t forget about NCCAR and Academi for letting us host our track events and Speed Club Center in Newport News for hosting our Winter Kart Series. Finally, we thank our Board members for volunteering their time to coordinating these events and keeping the club going.
With that being said, new board nominations have been submitted and will be announced during our Awards Banquet. Our annual banquet is open to members and non-members as well. If you haven’t registered yet, head on over to MotorsportReg to register and find out what’s on the menu. The event will be held at the Marriot Spring Hill Suites in Norfolk, VA. We hope to see you there.
2017 PAX Champions
Driver | Class |
Paul Knowles | Super Street |
Stephen Fehr | A Street |
William Teller | B Street |
Danny Herrera | D Street |
Roland Wallner | E Street |
Benjamin Moore | F Street |
Robert Nixon | H Street |
Jeff Schmidt | C Street Prepared |
Keith Maples | F Street Prepared |
Mark Houchins | X Prepared |
Jeff Laferty | Street Touring FWD |
Logan Stillman | Street Touring R |
Keith Kasmire | Street Touring X |
Brendan Long | Street Modified |
Hailey Schmidt | Junior Kart A |
Travis Wall | CAM-C |
Jason Lisner | CAM-S |
David Smallridge | Novice |
Melissa Fehr | Ladies |
John Skiba | Street Tire |