These are our most common race locations. Here’s a little information about the track layout, rules, and directions for arrival.
Pungo Airfield
Pungo Airfield is a beloved and loathed location for Autocross. It’s been THE location for the Hampton Roads area for a long time. Speed ranges between 40 to 50mph and it always provides a good level of fun and challenges, especially the famous Pungo Sweeper. Surface is made of concrete with some rough patches but generally provides a good driving experience.
Note: For a GPS location it is usually easiest to use the address for Pungo Pizza, which is located just 200ft south of the autocross site entrance.
*Gates open no earlier than 7:30am for Pungo Airfield.
As you come into the Pungo Airfield the paddock area is straight ahead. Park your car to the left or right leaving the center area clear for traffic. Inspections are usually held at the back of the paddock area. Once you’ve prepped your car according to our rules and the inspection area is open, get your vehicle in line for inspection immediately. Once inspections are closed you cannot participate in the event.
Spectating at Pungo
Events at Pungo are open to the public. There is no charge to spectate for routine autocross events. Pungo has a set of bleachers but they’re not big enough to seat all of the attendants. We recommend bringing a folding chair or blanket and find a spot around the bleachers. Get there early to get your spot.
Suffolk Executive Airport
The Suffolk Executive Airport is a potentially new site for 2018 – If all goes well we will be running here with BBQ catering on-site. Enter off of 13(Carolina Road) across the street from the Dollar General. More info to be provided as it becomes available.
*Assault Craft Unit 4 (ACU-4)
*We are not holding events at this location at this time.
Air Cushion Unit 4 (ACU4) is located on Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek, an active Navy Base. We are honored to have gained the trust and cooperation from the U.S. Navy and respect their decision on providing access to their facilities.
Academi is located on a secure compound in Moyock, NC. Participants and spectators must pre-register for the event in order to be granted access and attend. The main entrance to Academi is located at the end of Puddin Ridge Road, appx 3.7 miles off Rt 168. You will be required present a photo ID at the gate. There is no street address for the main gate, but you can enter the below into your GPS, and follow Puddin Ridge Road from Rt 168 to the main gate on the north side of the compound. Strictly obey posted speed limits while on Academi property.
Paddock changes depending on event layout and availability. Paddock may alternately be on a portion of a road course, on hard grassy area, or on a gravel-base shooting range. Information about Paddock location will be provided on Motorsportsreg or the event thread on the forums. You cannot use a jack or jackstand on asphalt at Academi without a spreader pad (piece of plywood) to protect the surface. If any Academi personnel make any requests of you, please comply immediately and politely. (Bear in mind that there is a good chance those personnel are very well armed.)
Spectating at Academi
TSCC events at Academi are open for spectators, but you must register for the base access list prior to the event and some restrictions apply. There is no charge to spectate. PHOTOGRAPHY IS RESTRICTED AT ACADEMI! Only in-car cameras and photos of competitors are permitted; photographs of the rest of the facility, or of other patrons, is strictly prohibited. TSCC participants and spectators are not permitted to bring firearms to events at Academi.
You may park in paddock with the competitors. There are no bleachers, so you will want to bring a lawn chair. There are several places you can get a good view of portions of the course, but access to these viewing areas may be restricted while the event is going on due to vehicles travelling at high speed near where you have to walk. Ask at security when you sign the waiver, and they’ll direct you how to safely get to the best spots to spectate.
The North Carolina Center for Automotive Research is a 620-acre site. NCCAR is home to a 2 mile bi-directional road course, a 2 acre vehicle dynamics area, a 7 acre dirt facility and 3 mile dirt trails for trucks or side by sides, and 6 plus miles of ATV and dirt bike trails. It’s where TSCC hosts our Gripfest events and possibly Autocross events on special occasions.
Paddock area is a gravel parking lot that is before the main entrance of the track. Here you can prepare your car for inspection and setup your folding chairs and equipment. Inspections are held right next to parking lot and will be announced over the loud speaker when it is open. When the first heat is ready to run, participants will line up down the entrance road to the track. Once you’ve completed your run, you will return to the back of the line for the next run.
Spectating at NCCAR
Pre-registration is required to be a spectator at NCCAR. Folding chairs and canopies are allowed on a dirt bank that overseas the track. There are also some park benches available for seating but there are not that many so we recommending bringing a chair.