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April Test N’ Tune & Points Event #2 Registration Open

Registration for the 4/16 Test N’ Tune and 4/17 Points Event are now open! Space is limited for the test and tune to ensure a maximum number of runs for participants. As always members save $10 on each event. Don’t have a membership yet? Get one here: Registration links are here: Test and Tune: Points Event #2:

3/20 Autocoss Almost Full!

This Sunday’s autocross event at Pungo Autocross Site is nearly full! If you intend to attend this weekend i recommend registering as soon as possible to ensure there is space: Also this is a reminder that permanent number registration will open the day after this event. Season Subscription holders, you may register for a permanent number now:

2022 Membership and Autocross Schedule

Members, The 2022 membership is now open – this membership gives you $10 off each autocross event as well as a number of other great perks such as discounts at our Friends of TSCC businesses and access to club tools as well as a physical membership card. Members are eligible to purchase a season subscription – a great way to…

Feb VIR HPDE – Single Day Signups

Single day sign ups for the Oak Tree Bowl II HPDE at VIR February 12th and 13th are now open for all solo groups. The pricing for each day is $275. Weekend registrations are still open as well at $475 for both days. Register here:

Weather Insurance for February VIR Dates

Great news! VIR has approved weather insurance! In the event of forecasted SEVERE weather that threatens the safety of our attendees and staff we will cancel the event and issue full refunds. In the event of a cancellation part-way through the event, refunds will be pro-rated based on lost time. Register Here:

Registration Open for PE#8/PE#9

Registration is now open for our December 4th/December 5th double header points events. If you plan to run both days be sure you register for both events!Saturday:

2022 Board Election

Good Evening Members, Linked below is the ballot for the 2022 TSCC Board. Each position was unopposed this year, so the election ballot is a simple vote of confidence for the nominated board. The ballot includes a quick snippet of what each board member hopes to accomplish in these positions; I hope you will take the time to read those.…