Club News

2020 TSCC Membership NOW OPEN!

Go to Motorsport Reg to sign up now! We are giving away shirts with 2020 Season Subscriptions while supplies last so act quick! If you take a look around, you’ll also see our Calendar has been updated as well! CLICK HERE to learn more about TSCC Membership and the benefits of getting it!

2019 Championship Final Results

Members, below is the final seasons standings for the 2019 Autocross Championship. We thank you all for coming out to these events and making them better year after year. It is our committed members and novice drivers who allow us to continue forward as the Tidewater Sports Car Club.There is one thing to note regarding the final standings:At the end…

2019 Awards Banquet

Come join us as we celebrate another great season of competition. We will be giving out the Autocross trophies as well as over $1000 in door prizes. Members are free while their family and guests are $20 each. Non-members are always welcome to join us. Non-members are $25 while their family and guests are $25 each. This year we are…

November Autocross Maps

Below are two maps of the area being used for autocross at Langley Air Force Base tomorrow. To get to the correct gate, enter: use the Sweeney Blvd Gate, off N Armistead Ave. this address below will get you close to, but not directly to, the gate. 2947 North Armistead Ave, Hampton, VA, 23666

November Autocross Registration Open Until 11/2

November autocross will be held at Langley Air Force Base on Nov 17th. Due to base requirements registration will close at Midnight on Saturday Nov 2nd. We apologize for the short notice. You can find the registration link here:

October Autocross Maps

Below are two maps of the area being used for autocross at Langley Air Force Base tomorrow. To get to the right gate, enter: 2947 North Armistead Ave, Hampton, VA, 23666

October Autocross postponed 1 Week

Due to the forecasted weather the autocross scheduled for this coming Sunday at Langley Air Force Base, 10/20, has been moved 1 week to 10/27. Registration will remain closed as base access is still required. If you have registered and cannot make the new date please update your registration status in MSR

Oct Autocross Registration Closes Sunday 10/6 at 8PM!

October autocross will be held at Langley Air Force Base on Oct 20th. Due to base requirements registration will close at 8pm on Sunday Oct 6th. We apologize for the short notice. You can find the registration link here:

HPDE Pre-Tech Day (9/15)

Our pre-tech day at the American DIY Garage is scheduled for September 15th. You can pre-register here:

Gripfest 17 (10/13)

The day after our Fall HPDE is Gripfest 17! Gripfest is ran in a single lap track event against the timer! Each car is sent one at a time with a safe distance in between with the goal to set the fastest single lap. Laps are timed from a standing start with a flying finish. . This is an excellent…